Why She Bailed After Date Numero Uno

In the dating world, there’s a very common tale harrowed among certain dudes:

I really like this girl. We went out last week and the date went soooo great, I was certain she was going to call me so that I could have her back for a second date. I thought we really hit it off and had a profound connection because she showed interest, we had an amazing time, and the chemistry was through the roof.

And now that I haven’t heard from her, I don’t think she wants anything more to do with me. What should I do?

Bro hit the nail right square on the head because 2 weeks later, it became painfully obvious that one date was sure to be only date they would ever go on. And it’s a clear signal for him to forget all about it and hit the “NEXT” button.

Although, a lot of guys still want to wait earnestly for the girl to make the next move after the first date. They want the woman to show interest- they want her to be the one to call him back/text and ask for a second date. This request isn’t unreasonable and truthfully, if the girl REALLY likes you, chances are she may very well beat you to the punch.

However, if things have slowed to a crawl or have arrived at a complete stop, there are reasons for it. VALID ONES. Ones that you may not like that you’d better take note of and put on some perspective- why she doesn’t want anything to do with YOU, and hopefully try and prevent it from happening in the future.

It may be her, but more than likely IT’S PROBABLY YOU.

You spent the ENTIRE date talking about YOU.

It’s all about your Tonka truck, your chiseled abs, your uber game, your craftily shaved balls, your numerous real estate investments, your lucrative interests in foreign market commodities, your……. ***SNORES***


When you throw your chest out in our faces and beef yourself up the entire date, we either unconsciously think you have too much to prove because you are a loser, or you’re a self-loving egoist who can’t see past the shadow of your own dick.


Be a cool dude and get to know us too. TRY AND LISTEN AND NOT JUST WAIT FOR YOUR TURN TO TALK, otherwise “it’s see you effing later in 10 seconds flat”, pal.

The chemistry ON HER END was NULL.

You probably thought she was SUPER STEAMING HOT, while she probably thought you were well, a little less than. Or perhaps she thought you were really attractive but there was no spark.

A good way to tell if a chick is into you on the first date is if she flirts. And yes, I am talking the stereotypical “bats the eyes, twirls the hair, brushes your arm with her fingernails” type flirts.

If she is doing nothing to show interest, SHE ISN’T INTERESTED. Chemistry is the driving force behind flirtation, connection, and “giving the go ahead” to bring her in for a landing. If she isn’t giving you any cues, she’s not feeling you. Hey, it sucks to be in the position of “I like her but she doesn’t like me back” but you should definitely move on and deal.

You had some kind of hygiene problem.

I have called off NUMEROUS second dates in the past because of bad breath, smelly pits and dirty ass fingernails. In fact, the stank breath thing is probably the HUGEST disappointment there is.

It’s really very sad. I’ve met some really great looking men who had breath that could wake a 24-year old post-rotten petrified corpse from lasting eternal peaceful sleep.

Bros, make sure your shit is tidy and straight. Just as much as you want us to be neat and clean, MAKE SURE YOURS IS UP TO PAR TOO.

Your personalities clashed.

She likes quiet evenings at home, you like outdoor pilgrimages to every beer fest across the nation. She’s a vegetarian, you’re a bacon-wrapped-sirloin in bacon-grease-fried-in bacon loving beau. She likes country music, you like jazz. She…..

See where I’m going? Sometimes, we just aren’t made for each other. I’ve been on dates with men of whom there was absolutely not one single thing in common except that we were both alive and breathing.

Clashing personalities can be just as big a turn off as bad breath and bad conversation. Look at it this way- better to cut your losses and put stock in finding someone else- someone who’s right for you in every way. If it isn’t there, it isn’t there.

You were overwhelmingly cheap.

I understand the concept of going dutch on the first date, as it is the current trend people use to weed out those who they may very well never see again.

However, most women’s idea of a decent first date still revolves around having a nice meal and having some quiet time alone sitting there getting to know each other in an intimate setting- not going over to your bro’s house to catch the game, not going to your favorite everyday hole-in-the-wall Chinese joint where you force us to order the 2-for-1 special, and not hanging out in your car all night when it’s 32 degrees outside.

We’re not expecting white horses, singing doves and $500 tokens of affection- we just want to be treated as though we present to you some value.

Think about it. Do you put regular gas in your S-Class Mercedes because you’re too cheap to maintain it? NO! You put in premium to keep it running right. Same concept with women- if you slight us by being cheap, WE THINK YOU THINK WE ARE CHEAP. MAJOR EFFING TURN OFF.

You said some things that made her want to puke.

You talked about your ex, you marginalized her in some way, you were a jerk by treating the wait staff like dog crap, you mentioned how many numerous chicks you’ve recently been on dates with and how they were all a bunch of psychotic losers out to get your money, and you said that you only usually date blonds and that she should feel lucky that you’ve turned over a new leaf in dating her, a brunette, of which all are usually ugly and boring.

Or maybe you were extremely negative- had nothing good to say about you, your situation and anyone whose been unfortunate enough to have been in contact with you lately.


Just as much as guys want a cool chick, WE WANT A COOL DUDE. We don’t want first date baggage in the form of how your ex sent you through the crapper, how fat she became after you broke up, and how you hope she never finds another man because she deserves to rot in hell.

We simply don’t want to hear anything negative PERIOD. Life is hard enough and we went on a date with you to relax, not to have to try and press our fingers into your dismal dike and save you from imploding on yourself.

Be an upbeat dude and chances are we’ll be interested. A GOOD PERSONALITY GOES A LONG WAY.

There you have it. Of course, these aren’t the only reasons you didn’t get past date el uno, but these are some of the most common.

What can I say? The truth hurts sometimes. Didn’t say it was going to be easy.

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